What is Soul Coaching? How does it differ from other forms of coaching?
To really innerstand Soul Work you need to experience it. Just one session of Soul Coaching with me will give you a real knowing, more than a whole load of words could ever describe. I love working with people from a wide range of backgrounds, and I have witnessed true miracles and transformations. Much of my wisdom has come from people who have been told they are going to die, which has been a blessing and has literally changed my life.
Soul Work is extremely powerful, yet so simple. We have overcomplicated life in every aspect of what we do. We often get too caught up in our minds and have thousands of random thoughts filling our heads every single day.
I help share with you a very simple outlook to everything you do and help you bring it back to a choice in every moment, a choice that you get to make.
I usually work with clients over a few weeks or months. If this is what you would like to do, please schedule in for a 30-minute conversation to explore this option more.
What is your Soul?
We often say it is our intuition, or a gut feeling that tells us what we should do for the best, a knowing deep inside. The Soul is energy, a feeling, truth; your Soul is your truth. Every good decision you ever make is always a Soulful one. Your Soul is also Love, Peace and Happiness. If it is not your Soul, then it is your Ego. Your Ego is one of the most important things in life that you have to work on. The more you become aware of your Ego, the more you will start experiencing your Ego as a teacher. By observing our thoughts, we can break free from many of the restrictions that are put in our way.
my approach
When you do Soul Work, changes are instant. You will be amazed at the shifts that will take place within a short amount of time, especially when you bring awareness to the words that you choose to speak. My approach is simple. Bring awareness to your thoughts and feelings and to the words you speak. This approach works for everyone in every situation: Parents, Healing, Children, PTS/PTD, Spiritual growth, Meditation, Terminal illness, Business, Stress management, Addiction, Physical limitations. You will learn to detach and observe your thoughts, notice and experience your feelings and become so much more aware of the words you choose to speak.
YOu must do the work too
Changes will always come from you; my role is to create a safe space for you to be your true self. Truth and trust are vitally important in how I work with everyone. I will share anything about me that you wish to know and I am always open and honest, allowing you to feel comfortable working with me and confident to share your personal thoughts and concerns without the fear of being judged. Much of the Soul Work will come from you, experiencing each day with a new level of awareness. You will become the observer, reflecting on your choices. To work with me, I recommend you put aside 20 minutes for yourself every day, including some kind of flow, like meditation, creativity, walking etc.
​I usually work with clients over a few weeks or months. If this is what you would like to do, please schedule in for a 30-minute conversation to explore this option more.
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Through my meditations and coaching, I have helped many people overcome a variety of challenges, such as:
As a single mum, I found there was no time for me, I had no energy, felt drain every day, and even started making bad dietary choices
My ex-partner was always giving me grief and I lacked the confidence to stand up to him when important decisions had to be made
Work was just getting me down; I knew I couldn’t go on but didn’t know how to make the change and move on to something new, a different career path that would make me happy and less stressed
My weight had increased greatly since my parents passed away, and although I knew the grief I was experiencing was contributing to my weight-gain, I didn’t know how to make that first step in looking after my health and getting back my self-discipline
These challenges can very quickly become successes:
Harry helped me find the confidence within me to speak with other single mums and discovered that we shared similar problems; I now involve the children in our family challenges and together we find the soul-utions
The coaching sessions made me a stronger person, to be able to say exactly what Ineeded to say and to become aware of my ex-husband’s reactions instead of giving away my energy; my children now join me in meditation and breathwork which calms them down and allows them to observe their thoughts and come up with answers
Harry’s guided meditations helped me find the answers to my questions regarding my next career move and I’ve never been happier. Going into a deep meditative healing state also enabled me to switch off and reduce the stress
Firstly, Harry made me aware of the grieving process and how to be at peace withmy loss. Through his coaching, I now put myself first, especially improving my health by making better decisions and listening to my gut instinct