The Foundation

This is a super powerful 30-day self-study program that is helping many people experience transformational changes.

from the Soul Revive Community:

My experience with Harry is helping me so much. His meditations are powerful. He is very calming and inspirational.
Jamie V
 I now navigate through life completely differently. I have a much-needed, new perspective. What you will learn is magic for the sensitive souls! Such a refreshing, sincere gentleman.
Jenna C
I have been meditating for over 25 years and have never before experienced anything like I'm experiencing now in Harry’s meditations. He has a way of really getting you to connect to your soul. He’s absolutely one of the best.
Lesson series

Soul Revive - The Foundation

I will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in whatever you choose to do in life.
Write your awesome label here.

Your Soul is The Truth, your Truth is your Feelings. Trust in your Feelings, Trust in your Soul...

This is a powerful 30-day program to completely revive your soul for the journey ahead.

The beauty of this course is that every day brings a new and deeper level of understanding. As you go through your day you will have many insights and aha moments that reveal themselves by asking (As King) your self/soul questions, and from this you will receive your answers.

What makes this course different to others out there is that you do the work each day and all is required is 25 minutes for yourself at your own pace, in your own time.

Just 25 minutes each day will change your life and quite quickly you will feel the importance of some YOU time.

Write your awesome label here.

Each day will bring healing, clarity, calmness, confirmations and tools to help you navigate on your journey.

You will learn how your past does not define you, you will become so much more aware of the ego and with that comes a deeper connection to your feelings, which is your soul, through:

Daily Teachings: Intentions, self-questioning within a meditative experience. 
Structured Steps: Each week will have a different focus from discovering your soul, becoming the observer, Soul reconnection and becoming the creator.
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FREE PDF Journal: Printable journal with prompts and inspiration to support your Soul Revival.
An Amazing Community: The group is an open forum where you are encouraged to chat and support each other on your journey.
Lesson series

Soul Revive - The Foundation

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in whatever you choose to do in life.
Write your awesome label here.


110 hours in total

Text material



In-built challenges

30-Day Program

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  About this course

Powerfully Simple

Soul work is daily and we get to show up every day.  Creating 25 minutes for yourself will change everything about your life.

Simplify life down to a choice, a choice that you always get to make.



Here is what people say about our courses


The Soul Coach

Harry is originally from London, UK and currently lives in Arizona. He has now found his purpose with his powerful teachings and meditations. His aim is to help as many people across the world connect to their soul.  
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